
Meta-Kanon is a meta-memory. It is a fingerprint, a personal un-canonized narrative, a visual and metaphoric whole that supports the identitary narration of semiotic potential. I am deforming or refreshing the ornamental motif that is considered to be a part of the national heritage possessing certain meaning and canonic function through the relationship between two diverse visual languages, by bringing into focus questions of manipulation and deformation of various social issues. I give a visual commentary, through the motif of deformed ornament, on the distorted value system and the cruelty of the tribalized society in which we are living. In the series of artworks entitled Meta-Kanon I explore the relationship between tradition and contemporary life. It includes a complex re-examination of the embedded canons and value systems as well as the fast changes that we as a society are exposed to. They speak about the local contexts, but, at the same time, they represent a reflection of global events and tendencies toward traditional right-wing politics that are beginning to dominate by emphasising the greatness of national identity. I simulate the error, which is known as the glitch, caused by the machine, i.e. contemporary digital technology, within the framework of the traditional analogue medium. Historical legacy is a complex and broad topic that I am trying to approach from various aspects, and thus the focus of my artworks is on breaking up the usual motions and well-known routes according to a previously defined pattern.

December, 2021.



 Meta-Kanon je meta memorija. Otisak prsta. Lični ne kanonizovani narativ. Vizuelna i metaforička celina koja nosi identitetsku naraciju semiotičkog potencijala.
Motiv ornamentike koji se smatra nacionalnom kulturnom baštinom, jakog kulturnog značenja i kanonske funkcije deformišem ili osvežavam kroz odnos dva različita vizuelna jezika stavljajući u fokus pitanja manipulacije i deformacije društvenih i socijalnih tema. Kroz motiv deformisanog ornamenta dajem vizuelni komentar na iskrivljen sistem vrednosti i surovost tribalizovanog društva u kom živimo. U radovima Meta-Kanon istražujem odnos tradicije i savremenog života, što uključuje kompleksno preispitivanje ustanovljenih kanona i sistema vrednosti, kao i ubrzanih promena kojima smo kao društvo izloženi. Oni govore o lokalnim kontekstima ali su istovremeno refleksija globalnih dešavanja i tendencija ka tradicionalnim desnim politikama koja dobija prevlast isticanjem veličine nacionalnog identiteta. Inspirisana greškom koju pravi mašina tj. moderna digitalna tehnologija, fenomen poznat pod nazivom glitch, simuliram u tradicionalnom analognom mediju. Istorisko nasledje je kompleksna i široka tema a shodno tome pristupam joj iz različitih uglova. Fokus radova je na destabilizaciji jednodimenzijonalnog odnosa, kretanjima utemeljenim i dobropoznatim trasama po unapred definisanom obrascu.



Trying to Grow Wings

